Free Return
Sellers that offer ‘Free Return’ service will have ‘Free Return’ icon on their item details page. With ‘Free Return’ service, you get an extra 15 days (on top of the on-time delivery date) to decide if you want to keep or return the item for any reason, as long as they are unused, unwashed and in their original condition – complete with the original packaging, tags, etc. It’s easy and fast:
• You could return items locally and easily: Get the return code or the return label, Go to the designated logistics company’s service point to complete the return and wait for the local warehouse to receive your returned parcel.
• Remember to select ‘Return Goods” while opening the dispute.
• Refund will be made to you once we confirm receipt of your returned parcel which meet the conditions for reimbursement.
• Items will be processed at a local warehouse, instead of being sent back to the seller’s country of origin (eg China).Service Scope
• Not all countries on AliExpress include the Free Return service. At present, supported countries include the mainland territories of the United States, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, France, Spain, Germany and Russia.
• In addition, not all products on AliExpress.com include the Free Return service. The seller can choose whether or not to offer this extra service. Sellers that offer the Free Return service will have a label or icon on their product details page confirming this service is available.
Return Shipment Fee
• It is free for you to return the parcel to the designated local return address.
• Note: You can only enjoy one-time free local return for one order. If you initiate multiple return requests under an order, you can only enjoy the free local return service once, and other return requests can still enjoy local return service but you will have to cover the return shipping costs to the designated local return address. Therefore, please consider returning jointly the products to avoid paying that additional shipping cost.
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